sâmbătă, 15 decembrie 2012

Trophaeum Traiani in Adam Clisi

In 102 A.D, the Roman Emperor Traian defeated the dacs in Tapae. In order to commemorate this victory, he ordered a monument to be erected on the hill overseeing the citadel. I jokingly call this monument Fallus Traiani :-)
Fallus Traiani in AdamClisi
Fallus Traiani in AdamClisi
As you can see for yourself this picture has nothing special. I tried and tried to figure out something but was unable to do so. I searched the internet for ideas but with no success, all of the pictures are as boring as the one above. This is my idea to make this stand out as I feel it should:
Fallus Traiani in AdamClisi (B&W)
Fallus Traiani in AdamClisi (B&W)
What do you think?
This photo was also taken during the electrifying summer holiday I had in 2010. Also, be sure to check back regularly (via RSS or email ) because there are always more pictures to come showing beautiful places in Romania and around the world.

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